When attempting to restore an SQL Server backup for ProCalV5 5.8 running the ProCal Agent, for greater system stability it is recommended for IT Administrators to follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Locate the Agent Service
    Locate the server running ProCal Agent and sign in as an administrator
    Press the Windows+R keys to open the Run dialog, type services.msc, press Enter. Or Open the Control Panel, click/tap on the Administrative Tools, double click/tap on Services shortcut.

    NOTE: you may need to right click and "Run as Administrator"

    From the services list, you should see service "ProcalV5Agent" started in automatic mode as shown below
  2. Stop the service by selecting and either using the right-click context menu, or highlight your selection and use the supplied links.
  3. At this stage, run your SQL Server restore through your Database Administrator's preferred method.

    IMPORTANT: If any information has changed regarding database login or password reconfigure the Agent configuration file before proceeding. See the Agent Installation article for more information.

  4. Return to the Services list and Start the service through the right-click context menu, or highlight your selection and use the supplied links.
  5. Your ProCalV5 System with DeviceSync-related ProCal Agent software should be ready to use.