In order to create Calibration Results from your calibrator's result data in ProCalV5 from DeviceSync 3, you will want to connect the calibrator and use the "Upload Results" button to start this process.

Send Assets from ProCalV5Find Assets in DeviceSync 3 /
Download to Calibrator
Upload Calibrations and Send to ProCalV5Authorize Results

DeviceSync Results page shows calibration items that have been captured from a calibrator and may be sent to ProCal or deleted.

Important!: Ensure your Organization Selector is set to the correct organization before uploading.

Results Screen


  • Result Type : Default = Calibration
  • Asset ID : Either the recognized Item ID for the Result or in the case of an ad-hoc result produced on the calibrator itself, the Tag ID
  • Serial Number : If known from the uploaded data, the Serial number of the asset under test
  • Uploaded : the Date/time that the result was brought in from your calibrator device
  • Modified : This can be equal to the creation time but is also updated anytime the user uses "Send to ProCal"


  1. Send to ProCal : Marks selected Result(s) to be retrieved by the Upload/Download screen in ProCal for processing. NOTE: Results can be sent more than once if needed.
  2. Delete : Removes an unwanted Result or one that was already sent.
  3. Customize Columns : Changes the visible columns and controls column order.

Using the Results screen


First connect your Calibrator.

  • When you have your device connected, and
  • you are logged in

The "Upload Results" button is available.

Click and you will receive a confirmation message:

Click OK to commence the Upload.

You will see a spinner in lower right of the application. You will only see any messages requiring an "OK" if there were any errors.    

Once completed this label in the lower right goes away and the Result would appear in the Results index above.

Use the context menu or top toolbar menu to select one or more results and use "Send to ProCal".

What's next?

In ProCalV5, go to the Upload/Download screen and proceed to upload the results from the DeviceSync 3 adapt. You will see an authorization step for each Result that can be processed.